New Marriott Hotel under construction next door to Tampere Hall

The world’s largest hotel chain, Marriott International, will open its first hotel in Finland directly next door to Tampere Hall at the end of 2019. Noise from the construction site may cause minor disturbance to visitors of the Moomin Museum and Tampere Hall. Access to the museum and Tampere Hall will be assured at all times during opening hours.
The new hotel represents the ‘Courtyard by Marriott’ brand concept targeted at modern business travellers and families. The 11-storey Tampere Courtyard by Marriott will house 229 rooms positioned diagonally alongside Tampere Hall on the corner of Kalevantie and Yliopistonkatu Streets. The project will commence in February-March 2018 with utility works behind Tampere Hall on Viinikankatu Street. Excavation of the site is scheduled to begin in May, with noise disturbance expected to peak during pile-driving between May and August 2018.
We regret any inconvenience caused to museum visitors by construction noise. In years to come, however, the Marriott will offer a wonderfully convenient accommodation alternative for out-of-town guests. There will be direct indoor access from the hotel to Tampere Hall, making it easier than ever for visitors to pop in to our museum and enjoy Tampere Hall’s wide range of services.