Colourful winter holiday in Moomin Museum 19.2.-6.3.2022

Winter holiday will be full of colours and fun for the whole family, inspired by the books of Camilla Mickwitz. The programme is included in the admission fee.
The illustrator Camilla Mickwitz (1937-1989) is familiar to Finns particularly as the creator of the logo for the children’s programme Pikku Kakkonen. Her unique illustration style is simultaneously of its time and timelessly distinctive. The Moomin Museum winter exhibition introduces Mickwitz’s most beloved characters Emilia, Jason and Mimosa the little witch, alongside the original Pikku Kakkonen logo.
Guided tours and workshop every day when the museum is open 19.2.-6.3.2022.
3 pm: Guided tour in English – The colourful childhood of Jason, Emilia and Mimosa
Guided tour for children in the colourful exhibition Joy Everyday – Camilla Mickwitz. If Jason, Emilia and little witch Mimosa are not yet familiar to you, after this tour they will be – and you might want to read more from the books.
Duration 30 minutes. If you wish to take part, please inform us on arrival at the museum.
1 pm: Guided tour in Finnish: Kivat kaverit Jason, Emilia ja Mimosa
Opastus lapsille värikkääseen ja hauskaan Iloinen arki – Camilla Mickwitz -näyttelyyn Muumimuseon Observatoriossa. Jos äitinsä kanssa asuva Jason, isänsä kanssa tarinoiva Emilia ja pikkunoita Mimosa eivät ole ennestään tuttuja, tämän jälkeen varmasti ovat – ja kirjoista voi lukea lisää.
Kierroksen kesto on noin 30 minuuttia, ja se sisältyy pääsylipun hintaan. Kierrokselle otetaan rajallinen määrä osallistujia, ilmoittaudu henkilökunnalle museoon tullessasi.
All day: Animation workshop for the whole family in the Studio
In our workshop you can make your own animation, whether it is fun, fantasy or fiction. We offer all the materials and help you when needed. The Studio is open when the museum is open 19.2.-6.3. The workshop is nonstop so you can pop in whenever you like during your museum visit.
Enjoy the stories and make your own animations!