Share your love of the Moomins! – Tops picks from our photography competition

The Moomin Museum’s photography competition, Share Your Love of the Moomins, attracted over 1,600 entries from around the world. The judging was tough, but in the end our jury selected Steffi La from Germany as our winner with her adventure-packed photo of Moomintroll on a canoe trip. As her prize, Steffi will receive a trip for two to Tampere, including flights, accommodation, concerts, dinner, and of course admission to the Moomin Museum and other museums in Tampere. All the contestants took part in a prize draw for two free Museum Passes.
The Moomin Museum is hosting an exhibition of the best entries in its Reading Room, where one entire wall is filled with over 150 images sent in by Moomin fans from all over the world. The selection of top picks includes everything from cute and funny cat pictures with a Moomin twist to travel snaps of Moomintroll admiring the Eiffel tower and surfing on a sunny beach. Still-life images of Moomin mugs, postcards and various Moomin figures were also popular among the entrants. Photos of Moomin cakes and gingerbread made up their own delicious category among the submissions.
The exhibition will be open at the Moomin Museum’s reading Room at Tampere Hall until May 14. It can also be viewed on the Moomin Museum’s website, Instagram and Facebook at #moominmuseo and #muumimuseo.
Admission to the exhibition is free.